He’s Back! Orinda Fire Deploys Billy-No-Fingers to Get Out Red Flag Message

Even though the sign is misspelled, the message gets through

In a striking bid to curb illegal fireworks amidst rising Red Flag warnings, the Orinda Moraga Fire Department is taking an unorthodox approach by deploying firefighters dressed as Billy No-Fingers—a long-standing, albeit controversial, figure from the Orinda 4th of July Parade—across major intersections. This move aims to revitalize a powerful public safety message under the motto "Red Flag means No Fireworks."

Billy No-Fingers, traditionally used to symbolize the dangers of fireworks misuse, was notably absent from this year's parade following community concerns that the character was too distressing for children. "Billy No-Fingers has been a crucial part of our fire safety education. Removing him might have contributed to the recent spike in illegal fireworks activities," stated Fire Chief Carol Gomez, who spearheaded the initiative to reintroduce the mascot in a new role.

The decision was met with mixed reactions from the fire department. Some firefighters have expressed dissatisfaction with their new roles. "I joined the service to fight fires, not to scare kids while sweating in a costume at traffic intersections," complained one firefighter, voicing a sentiment that hints at the internal tensions over this campaign. “I feel like one of those no-talent sign spinners you see in front of a mattress store on Concord Blvd. Why can’t we use one of those Wacky Inflatable Arm Waving Tubeman devices? They seem to do the trick for car dealers. I feel we are taking a dated approach with this costume. “

However, the effectiveness of the Billy No-Fingers costume in delivering fire safety messages is not in question. Parents have reported that the sight of the character significantly impacts their children's perception of firework safety. "My youngest was genuinely frightened seeing Billy No-Fingers holding a 'No Fireworks' sign. He wet himself. It's harsh but effective. He's talked about fire safety non-stop since then," shared one local parent, highlighting the psychological impact of the campaign. As noted in an earlier article, local parents have traditionally used Billy-No-Fingers to scare children harmlessly to accomplish objectives. “ Eat your vegetables, or Billy-No-Fingers will make sure you can only eat with a straw.“ Other parents have used Billy-No-Fingers as the cause for a pet missing, “ I can’t find a Spot; I guess he was eaten by Billy-No-Fingers.” or “Nanna will not be coming over anymore because of Billy-No-Fingers”. (2) “Some feel that this campaign could dampen the effectiveness of a parenting tool that has worked for years,” stated a local childhood development expert, Cliff Hickerson.

However, the campaign has not been without its complications. Reports of heatstroke and allergic reactions to the costume materials among the firefighters have underscored the physical toll of this initiative. "We had a firefighter from Station 7 hospitalized due to heatstroke, and another had a severe allergic reaction to the foam used in Billy's giant head," reported a concerned crew member.

Despite these challenges, Chief Gomez remains firm on the decision. "We need a strong, memorable symbol to convey the serious risks associated with fireworks, especially during Red Flag conditions. Billy No-Fingers gets that message across more effectively than any sign or flyer ever could."

The Orinda Moraga Fire Department will closely monitor the situation as the campaign continues. It is ready to adjust tactics to ensure public safety and the well-being of its personnel. Meanwhile, the community watches on, with Billy No-Fingers again at the forefront of a critical safety conversation.

Related Article on Billy-No-Fingers:



1) Billy-No-Fingers is available for birthdays, wakes, and bar mitzvahs

2) In this case, it is not clear whether Billy-No-Fingers blew up Nanna or just ran off to Vegas with her. Both are scary thoughts for a child and can lead to uncomfortable questions. Visualizing Billy-No-Fingers in a romantic triste with Nanna may turn a normal child into a thespian.


As with most things today, any resemblance to the truth is purely accidental.


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