Orinda Pet Expert Offers Unique Cat Respect Building Retreat

Calibration of cat drop fixture by a mix of scientists and art historians (3)

In a unique blend of pet therapy and self-discovery, Britney Salinger, a renowned pet intervention expert and yoga instructor from Orinda, is offering a novel class designed to help cat owners regain respect and assert authority in their relationships with their feline companions. Britney, who has personally experienced the challenges of building a strong bond with her 6-year-old tabby, Mr. Snuggles, shares her journey of reclaiming control through her website and an upcoming series of retreats in the scenic Marin Headlands.

The retreat, tailored for cat owners, features an array of unconventional activities aimed at strengthening the bond between human and cat, while reinstating the owner's dominance. One such activity is microdosing sessions where owners partake in psilocybin mushrooms, believed to enhance emotional connectivity, while cats are given Peruvian catnip, a substance that scientists are still trying to understand. These activities are designed to create a deeper understanding and connection between you and your cat, fostering a more harmonious relationship.

One of the more daring exercises introduced by Salinger is the "trust fall," where cats are dropped from 10 feet into their owner's arms. "Catching your cat from a fall dramatically boosts the pet's trust and reassures them that you have their back," explains Salinger. This exercise is designed to build mutual respect and confidence between the pet and the owner.

Another innovative exercise is "showering with your cat." This activity helps the cat understand that humans clean differently, elevating the owner's status in their pet's eyes. Mealtime also becomes a shared experience, with owners and cats eating from the same plate to reinforce the owner's authority through specific "power gestures" that help the owner show "who's the big cat in this house."

However, the retreat is not for the faint of heart. It includes strict measures such as shock collars for owners and cats, preventing them from straying more than 10 feet apart or attempting to leave the premises. These measures are in place to ensure the safety and success of the program. "It's crucial that both parties fully commit to the program, which is why we ensure they stay within the retreat grounds to maximize the benefits," Salinger remarks.

The most controversial part of the retreat involves a shared litter box practice, where owners use the litter box alongside their cats. Salinger believes this dramatically shifts how cats perceive their human counterparts, cementing newfound respect and altering their interactions for the better. "Once a cat sees the size and power of human defecation, there is no question about who the alpha cat in the household is," stated Carl Rozell, who attended a course last year. "I was skeptical at first, but now I'm a believer. I'm considering doing a fellowship at the Center and getting licensed." We did not have time to ask for more details on the licensure process, but we assume it is both rigorous and rewarding. "I'm excited to put it on my LinkedIn profile. The only certification I have is in the Microsoft suite," stated Rozell. "I think this will make my profile pop!" Although many take the class as a resume builder, once there, they realize it's all about the cat.(2)

For those dedicated to maintaining the improved relationship, Salinger offers monthly refresher courses to help owners and their cats preserve the healthy dynamics fostered during the retreat.

As unconventional as these methods may seem, they highlight a growing trend among pet owners seeking deeper connections and improved behavior with their pets. Whether Britney Salinger's bold techniques will set a new standard in pet therapy remains to be seen, but for now, they're certainly sparking curiosity and conversation within the Orinda community.


1) Please review local laws to determine whether showering with your cat is legal in your area.

2) Based on an exhaustive internet search, it was determined that there is currently no LinkedIn equivalent platform for cats.

3) They used art historians because they were available.


As with most things today, any resemblance to the truth is purely accidental.


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