Orinda Residents Puzzled Over Unexpected Amazon Deliveries: Is Alexa Listening?

Did you order this?

Orinda, CA—Confusion and curiosity are growing among Orinda residents who receive unexpected packages from Amazon. Many are beginning to wonder, "Did I really order this?" Orinda resident Carol Fitzwilliam recently questioned whether she ordered the purpose-built George Foreman Brussels sprout cooker that arrived at her doorstep. After watching a TikTok video, she recalls getting excited about the idea but did not initially remember purchasing it." I think I just put it in the cart or something." stated Fitzwilliam. Later, she remembered that it was a "wine purchase." I should stay off Amazon when I return from book club. I get a little chardonnay, and the shopper comes out. It seems like this month, nobody read the book, so we just started drinking. "

She discovered that her friends had similar experiences during her routine walks around Lake Cascade. Cheryl Whitehall shared a story about a mini power washer she was considering purchasing to clean grout around her hot tub. "I remember adding it to my cart, but I never thought I confirmed the purchase," she explained. Meanwhile, another resident, Jammie Danner, was baffled by the arrival of twelve rolls of shelf paper, only later to realize her husband had ordered them. "I didn't know my husband even knew what shelf paper was. I'm both touched and astounded."

These incidents have sparked a broader discussion about the role of smart devices like Amazon's Alexa in their homes. Rob Betner, aged 67, voiced a common suspicion: "Sometimes we get packages and can't remember who ordered what. I read on Reddit that Alexa could be listening to us. Maybe that's why we're getting these items." Bob's wife, Trisha, stated that Bob is now taking Previgen (1), a memory enhancer, dramatically decreasing the number of "unordered" packages they receive.

This theory has led many in the community to alter their behavior around their smart devices. Some residents have started speaking of items they don't want near Alexa, trying to 'lead it astray,' while others avoid discussing purchase-related topics within the device's earshot. One couple mentioned they have stopped undressing in the same room as their Alexa device. 'I just don't feel comfortable undressing in front of Alexa,’ stated Denesha Johnson. “I don’t need another person judging me in this house. Thank you very much!” she added.

The growing mistrust has even led some to unplug their Alexa devices when not at home, fearing the "smart" units might start a union with other home appliances. (2)

The truth behind these mysterious deliveries remains elusive as the town buzzes with theories and anecdotes. Whether it's a case of forgotten clicks, household miscommunication, or, indeed, smart devices making autonomous decisions, the residents of Orinda are keeping a closer eye on their digital assistants. The LocalTattler continues to follow this story closely, providing updates on this curious intersection of technology and everyday life.


1) Drinking cat urine is not an effective substitute for Previgen. Stop taking Previgen if you are allergic to Previgen. Call a doctor immediately if you experience snow blindness, dramatic uvula swelling, or a general feeling that “things are not going great.” Do not take Previgen if you have a terminal illness or some other unsolvable problem. Sometimes it's just better to not remember how shitty your life really is.

2) https://www.localtattler.com/news/orinda-man-unplugs-alexa-over-fears-of-appliance-union


As with most things today, any resemblance to the truth is purely accidental.


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