Ouch! LocalTattler Looks to Appease Its Readers

Editorial Apology: Addressing the Geographic Mix-Up in Our Recent Article

To the valued residents of Orinda,

We owe you an apology. In our recent article featuring Dr. Carol Majors, an unfortunate oversight led to the mention of Moraga instead of our beloved Orinda. This error was purely accidental, stemming from the use of an image captured in Dr. Majors’ Moraga office, which was the only available photograph at the time of publishing.

Please understand that this misstep in no way signifies a shift in our focus or allegiance. The LocalTattler remains steadfastly dedicated to Orinda, its community, and its stories. Our mission is to spotlight Orinda positively, enhancing its image as the gem among our neighboring towns.

As a publication that values integrity and community spirit, we assure you that our content aims to support and uplift Orinda exclusively. The possibility of advertising from local real estate professionals and businesses remains a potential future development, and should this occur, it will be managed with the highest standard of community-focused integrity. Our hypothetical advertisers, particularly local realtors, would be portrayed in a manner that reflects their deep community ties and professional reliability.

Rest assured, the LocalTattler is committed to making Orinda shine 20-30% brighter than Moraga and at least 15% more than Lafayette. We are acutely aware of where our 'bread is buttered,' and we pledge to maintain an 'Orinda First' approach in all our endeavors.

However, should there ever be a strategic shift to expand and become the Lamorinda Tattler, such a change would demand significant adjustments, including a broadened scope of coverage and possibly revising past content that may have portrayed our neighbors less favorably. While this could potentially increase our reader and advertiser base, bringing more voices and stories into the fold, we promise to handle such transitions with transparency and respect for all communities involved.

For now, we remain dedicated to you, our Orinda readers, and we thank you for your understanding and continued support. Mistakes are stepping stones to better service, and we are here to serve you with the most accurate, engaging, and community-oriented journalism possible.


The Editor The LocalTattler


1) “Don’t distrust us for what we did in the past; trust what we say we will do in the future.” Hiram T. Gladstone, Edditor of the LocalTattler from 1967 until the incident.

2) We should apologize for our grammar and inconsistent punctuation and for the jerks who run this publication, who make people with young children work on what could have been a great four-day weekend. That means you, Hiram T Gladstone Junior. You are only half the man your grandfather was.

3) I was not making an ableist statement when I referred to Hirem T. Gladstone Jr. as being only half the man that his grandfather was. Hiram T. Gladstone is the same height as his grandfather, Hiram T. Goldstone.

4) They did a crappy job of communicating during the annual review process that the role of Director of Footnotes would require me to work potential 4-day weekends. I would have just remained as Manager of Footnotes, a role I had been in for 12 years and never even had to work a Friday. I’m this close to quitting.

5) Seriously


As with most things today, any resemblance to the truth is purely accidental.


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