Andrews Proposes Using Abandoned Manatees to Create a SeaWorld-Like Attraction in Orinda's Lake Cascade

Source: The office of Representative Mark Andrews, Baja Orinda artist mockup.

Orinda, CA – In a bold move that has stirred mixed reactions among residents, Representative Mark Andrews is proposing to transform Orinda’s Lake Cascade into a marine attraction dubbed "Baja Orinda." Drawing inspiration from SeaWorld, Andrews envisions the lake as a new hub for aquatic life, including the controversial addition of manatees, penguins, and a recently confiscated narwhal.

The idea surfaced after two manatees were illegally introduced into Lake Cascade, believed to have been overwhelmed by an individual who initially tried raising them in a private pool. The situation escalated when a narwhal was discovered in the Sleepy Hollow community pool under mysterious circumstances, which some attribute to a senior prank by students from Miramonte High School. The handling of the narwhal, known for its distinctive long tusk, has raised safety concerns among law enforcement and animal welfare advocates.

Andrews, seeking to capitalize on these unusual events, suggests that these aquatic animals could be the cornerstone of Baja Orinda. "With the manatees already in the lake and additional exotic species like penguins and the narwhal, we have a unique opportunity to create an attraction that will draw visitors and invigorate our local economy," explained Andrews.

However, the proposal faces significant legal and ethical challenges, especially concerning the well-being of the animals involved. Manatees are typically found in the warm waters of Florida and are not suited to the cooler climate of Northern California, while narwhals are native to Arctic waters, raising concerns about their compatibility and survival in Lake Cascade.

Community response has been varied. Some residents are excited about the potential tourist attraction and economic boost, while others are deeply concerned about the environmental impact and the ethical implications of keeping exotic marine animals in a man-made setting. "Turning Lake Cascade into a mini SeaWorld could be seen as exploiting these animals for entertainment, which is a step back in terms of animal rights and conservation," commented Dr. Lisa Hendricks, a marine biologist at the nearby University of California, Berkeley.

Local animal rights groups have also voiced opposition, emphasizing that the welfare of the animals should be prioritized over commercial gains. "These creatures need to be in environments that match their natural habitats as closely as possible, not displayed for amusement in a local park lake," said Marianne Thompson, spokesperson for the Orinda Animal Welfare Society.

Opposition and Suspicion from Patsy Plume Adding to the controversy, Patsy Plume, a prominent local figure and a known advocate for animal rights, has expressed skepticism regarding Andrews’ motives. Plume suggests that the introduction of the manatees might have been part of a long-term plan by Andrews to create this aquatic attraction. "This is just typical of Mark Andrews, always a trick up his sleeve. There needs to be a thorough investigation into the origin of these manatees and any potential connections they might have to Andrews," stated Plume. She is advocating for a deeper inquiry into how and why the manatees ended up in Lake Cascade, suspecting that it may not have been as accidental as it appears. Ms. Plume is considering running against Andrews in the upcoming recall election.

“When Andrews slipped and called southern Orinda, “Baja Orinda”, we all thought it was typical Andrews, bumbling his way through a speech, dishing out word salad. I think this marine theme park could be part of all part of his master plan!” stated Patsy Plume in an impromptu press briefing held in in front of Orinda Pet Psychics (2) , one of her corporate sponsors in her recall bid to defeat Andrews. “I think the term “master plan “ and Mark Andrews has never been used in the same sentence. Mark Andrews gives opportunism a bad name.” stated Plume.

Mark Andrews office countered, “Patsy Plume’s vision for Orinda, starts and ends with cat parks and tiny libraries. Although necessary for the community, they are not going to provide the economic kickstart that a Baja themed water park would provide to our community. At a theme park, you can sell churos for ten bucks a piece. Orinda needs to improve its commercial tax base, and the only thing, short of putting in a monorail,(3) would be the development of a Mexican themed marine mammal adventure experience. I could see people coming all the way from El Sobrante, Moraga, and even Hayward, to see the pair of manatees perform in some clever skits. Maybe like a recreation of the Alamo.”

As the debate continues, Representative Andrews has pledged to work with environmental, legal, and animal welfare experts to ensure that any developments respect both the law and the ethical treatment of wildlife. The community awaits further discussions and planning sessions, which will likely determine the feasibility of this ambitious project.

1) Sealions , which are part of the pinniped family, are not planned to be part of the initial concept for Baja Orinda, given their tendency to bark.

2) Disclosure: Orinda Pet Psychics is a potential sponsor of the if that moron in ad sales can close the deal.

3) In 2022, Mark Andrews proposed developing a monorail to be built between the Rheeme shopping center and the Orinda’s Theater Square. Significant funds were spent building the Orinda Monorail Bart Transportation Hub, before the plan was canceled do to an inability to come up with an acronym for the project.

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