Orinda Neighbor's Dispute on NextDoor Leads to Unexpected Life-Saving Discovery

Source: Reenactment of litterbox lift that led to life saving event

Orinda, CA – In an extraordinary twist of fate, a neighborhood dispute over a cat on the NextDoor app inadvertently led to a life-saving medical diagnosis for Ned Granger, a resident of Orinda. The incident began with a heated post from Dexter Trax, who expressed frustration over Granger's cat, Princess Grace, frequently walking on their mutual fence.

Rather than confronting Trax directly about the post, an upset Granger responded by throwing some of Princess Grace's litter over the fence into Trax's yard. While bending over to pick up the litter box, Granger strained his back, prompting a visit to Orinda Instant Care. The attending physician noticed an unusual lesion on Granger's lower back during the examination.

The lesion turned out to be a melanoma, which the dermatologist stated was only a week away from becoming malignant. The timely removal of the tumor the following week likely saved Granger's life. Reflecting on the bizarre circumstances, Granger acknowledged the unlikely role of the NextDoor spat in his life-saving diagnosis. "Ironically, a heated argument over a cat led to something that saved my life," Granger said.

Granger later approached Trax to express his gratitude for the unintended consequence of the NextDoor post. While appearing relieved about his neighbor's prognosis, Trax couldn't help but address the ongoing issue. "Even though this incident saved his life, I'd still appreciate it if we could find a solution about the cat," he remarked, hoping to resolve the fence-walking issue amicably.

The story has resonated within the community, highlighting the unexpected ways seemingly trivial disputes can lead to significant outcomes. It also reminds us of the importance of medical check-ups and the unexpected ways health issues can come to light.

Trax and Granger have agreed to discuss a more constructive approach to handling neighborhood disagreements in the future, deciding to move their personal disagreements to Facebook.


As with most things today, any resemblance to the truth is purely accidental.


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